1-1 Nail
4 Hours - £500
Book in time with one of our educators or residents to refresh and refine your skills in a 1-1, specifically tailored to you. Maybe you have something specific you’d like to work on, i.e. shaping, refining or nail art or perhaps you just want a general service refresh; you can spend a full 4 hours troubleshooting with the help of our experienced educators.
This service is specifically designed to build upon what you already know and perfect it, rather than teach you a brand new skill. For more detail on our full range of courses, visit Courses.
1-1s are a time for building your professional confidence and helping to ensure that the services you provide clients are to the highest of industry standards.
Enquire directly with us so we can arrange the perfect training for you!
If you’re a salon owner looking to host a workshop for a team of 4+, please read more here.